Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Portraits for babies in need

This is a free service for families with
children that are seriously ill, or very premature babies.
 I will come to the hospital or to your house and provide
you with a CD of all images taken. 

I understand in some cases that time is of the essence.  I
will make sure that you have those precious moments
together to cherish forever.

I'm committed to providing families with these pictures
in a time of need when they can't afford something they
will so desperately want later.  You will have these
pictures to look at whenever you need to go back and

If you know someone that is need of these services text me at (360)980-4006

Congratulations Ted and Rhawnie!

 Congrats Ted and Rhawnie! 07/02/11  Im a bit behind on adding to the blog...... ; )

Updating the website

Wow, its already July and we're over half way through the year.  The weather has kept everyone on their toes, but been mostly cooperative for our bride and grooms so far!

I've been updating the new website ( and looks fabulous so far, check it out!  Also, I have been switching the old website from a general portrait site to a focus on seniors.... I'm so in love with the new old website now!  I love the colors!  Bright and Bold!  be sure to stop by  Here are a couple from the wedding at Timberline Lodge

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A beautiful Friday

Thought I would take a quick moment to post a photo of my kids.  We haven't been doing portrait sessions nearly as often as we used to!   This is by far my favorite picture we have done!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Help Us Create Our Mothers Day Book

We're making a Mother/Daughter book to show expressions of Love. If you're interested in being in the book please let us know. Free shoots for Moms and their Daughters during February and March. Looking for at least 50 sets of Mothers and Daughters for the book. Email us or call for details! ~


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Valentines Day Portraits

If you missed out on Christmas Photos, Valentines Day Portraits are perfect.  Join our Portrait Membership, which gives you 4 sessions to use over the next 2 years, plus so much more!  Valentines Day props are in and take about 5 days to get the prints back once you order!  25% off packages for January!